How do i make a rainbow text, where the color changes from the text?
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I can't seem to figure out what part of the code makes the normal page width so wide and the community header wide as well. I narrowed it down to a chunk of code and I was wondering if someone could assist me with it.
Code lines 392-1145
My discord user is nnoglistazone if you can add me we can talk about it a bit better.
import pygameimport mathimport sysimport time# Initialize Pygamepygame.init()# INSTRUCTIONS# WASD to move# Space to shoot# Don't run out of health# Grey colored things are enemies# Refill ammo on blue squares# 2 second cooldown between shots# Screen dimensionsSCREEN_WIDTH = 800SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600# ColorsSAND_COLOR = (194, 178, 128) # Tan sand color for backgroundDARK_GREEN = (0, 100, 0)DARKER_GREEN = (0, 80, 0)YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)WHITE = (255, 255, 255)# Frame rateFPS = 60# Tank propertiesTANK_WIDTH = 50TANK_HEIGHT = 30TURRET_RADIUS = 15BARREL_WIDTH = 6BARREL_LENGTH = 30TURN_SPEED = 3 # Degrees per frame# Bullet propertiesBULLET_RADIUS = 5BULLET_SPEED = 5 # Slowed down the bullet speed# Initialize screenscreen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))pygame.display.set_caption("Armored Patrol")# Clockclock = pygame.time.Clock()# Tank variablesplayer_pos = [SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2] # Center of the screenplayer_angle = 0 # Initial angle in degrees# Bullet listbullets = []last_shot_time = 0 # Track the time of the last shot# Ammo and Health countersammo = 10health = 5# Rotate a point around another pointdef rotate_point(point, angle, pivot): x, y = point px, py = pivot radians = math.radians(angle) x -= px y -= py new_x = x * math.cos(radians) - y * math.sin(radians) new_y = x * math.sin(radians) + y * math.cos(radians) return new_x + px, new_y + py# Draw the tankdef draw_tank(surface, position, angle): # Draw the main body (rectangle) rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, TANK_WIDTH, TANK_HEIGHT) = position body = pygame.Surface((TANK_WIDTH, TANK_HEIGHT), pygame.SRCALPHA) body.fill(DARK_GREEN) rotated_body = pygame.transform.rotate(body, -angle) surface.blit(rotated_body, rotated_body.get_rect( # Draw the turret (circle), DARKER_GREEN, (int(position[0]), int(position[1])), TURRET_RADIUS) # Draw the barrel (rectangle) barrel_start = position barrel_end = rotate_point( (position[0] + BARREL_LENGTH, position[1]), angle, position ) pygame.draw.line(surface, DARKER_GREEN, barrel_start, barrel_end, BARREL_WIDTH)# Draw the bulletsdef draw_bullets(surface, bullets): for bullet in bullets:, YELLOW, (int(bullet[0]), int(bullet[1])), BULLET_RADIUS)# Update bullet positionsdef update_bullets(bullets): for bullet in bullets[:]: bullet[0] += bullet[2] # Move in x direction bullet[1] += bullet[3] # Move in y direction # Remove bullet if it goes off screen if not (0 <= bullet[0] <= SCREEN_WIDTH and 0 <= bullet[1] <= SCREEN_HEIGHT): bullets.remove(bullet)# Draw the health and ammo countersdef draw_counters(surface, ammo, health): font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 24) # Ammo counter ammo_text = font.render(f"Ammo: {ammo}", True, WHITE) surface.blit(ammo_text, (10, 10)) # Health counter health_text = font.render(f"Health: {health}", True, WHITE) surface.blit(health_text, (SCREEN_WIDTH - 150, 10))# Main game loopdef main(): global player_pos, player_angle, bullets, last_shot_time, ammo, health while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Input handling for rotation (A for left, D for right) keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_a]: player_angle += TURN_SPEED # Rotate counter-clockwise if keys[pygame.K_d]: player_angle -= TURN_SPEED # Rotate clockwise # Shooting with spacebar (if cooldown has passed and ammo > 0) if keys[pygame.K_SPACE] and ammo > 0: current_time = time.time() if current_time - last_shot_time >= 2: # 2-second cooldown # Calculate the direction of the bullet based on barrel angle bullet_dir_x = math.cos(math.radians(player_angle)) * BULLET_SPEED bullet_dir_y = math.sin(math.radians(player_angle)) * BULLET_SPEED # Spawn bullet at the tip of the barrel barrel_end_x, barrel_end_y = rotate_point( (player_pos[0] + BARREL_LENGTH, player_pos[1]), player_angle, player_pos ) bullets.append([barrel_end_x, barrel_end_y, bullet_dir_x, bullet_dir_y]) last_shot_time = current_time # Update last shot time ammo -= 1 # Decrease ammo after shooting # Check for game over (health <= 0) if health <= 0: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Update bullet positions update_bullets(bullets) # Drawing screen.fill(SAND_COLOR) # Tan sand background draw_tank(screen, player_pos, player_angle) draw_bullets(screen, bullets) draw_counters(screen, ammo, health) # Draw health and ammo counters pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(FPS)# Run the gameif __name__ == "__main__": main()
that's my code so far, I need to get the blue square to scroll properly cause it's a scrolling background game
thank you in advance, any help you provide will be used in the rest of the scrolling code so thx :)
I've seen this font while watching FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman back on PBS Kids Go!, do you know the name of this font? If you do, can you please send me a link to this font?🤔
So when I put 2 different button codes toghether , it just made the background the things I want to put. Code is here:
<span class="wds-button mw-customtoggle-scripts" style="background:linear-gradient(to right, navy, blue, royalblue);">ENTER - DARK VOID</span>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-scripts"><div style="position:fixed; z-index:-1; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; background:linear-gradient(to right, #000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099);"><span class="wds-button mw-customtoggle-scripts" style="background:linear-gradient(to right, navy, blue, royalblue);">multiple readings of chaos are detected, are you sure you want to do this, {{username}}?</span>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-scripts"><div style="position:fixed; z-index:-1; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; background:linear-gradient(to right, #000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099);">
<span class="wds-button mw-customtoggle-scripts" style="background:linear-gradient(to right, navy, blue, royalblue);">”yes”</span>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-scripts"><div style="position:fixed; z-index:-1; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; background:linear-gradient(to right, #000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099,#000066,#000099);">
Please help
I want the Twitch part to be next to the Youtube part? I'll put some examples of what it looks like and what I want it to look like
This is what it looks like right now
This is what I want it to look like (drawing and in-game screenshot)
You can also find the page here (If you need the code) (You won't be able to edit it because of AbuseFilter):
An addon to this post I made
I managed to get some of it to work
As the recent reply says, I do not know how to get rid of the gray background for the comment. It would be very much appreciated if someone could tell me how I could possibly do this. Thanks! ^_^
(I do not know what category this post should be in, I will put it in General for now. You are free to correct me.)
(I changed the font, it's JetBrains Mono now)
is there a way you can make the text color change depending on whether youre using light/dark mode? i wanna make the text color white in dark mode and black in light mode so that people can see the text
but for some the text is black in dark mode and white in light mode (i removed the code that adds text colors so idk why it's doing that)
(this is for a border/button btw)
I cant insert my signature into my sandbox or any page in general, can someone help? I have it coded in my preferences
I need 2 badges pls!
This user is FAILUREDDY's friend!! (this is the title)
Can it be green and blue?
And have my profile picture behind the badge
Pls make the badge a square with round edges
Then the text says: "this person is failureddys friend! he really enjoys their posts!"
And a second badge
The blank will be a number i choose ill just edit in the number when i need it.
Not too bright gold though.
And the texts says " this user is the winner of WHTBM S_" AGAIN the _ will be a number i choose,, ill just do the number myself
Hey! I wanted to know if it's possible to make this solid gradient tilt like the second image? I tried doing 90deg but it didn't work
User:ItsTwistedTime/Sandbox | Dandy's World Wiki | Fandom
does this require any kind of javascript?? i've tried using this code on two different wikis and gotten no results.
How do you make a word turn like, blue and clicking it sends you to another fandom? making a PC2 fan game (i cant code, so its mostly just a bunch concepts)
How do you make it so the fandom header, comment section, footer, etc., are all flipped?
I’m working on a page and i barely know css.
Bro imagine having almost 40k pages and being infinitely less helpful than a wiki with 80...
I spent like, 30 mins looking thru pages on community central, just trying to find a few lines of code. I found this wiki, and within a few minutes I was done with my edit......
Also can I just vent how hard it is to find literally anything on community central..... there is such a ridiculous amount of forum pages with vague names that you literally can't find what you need...
Anyways, basically I'm infinitely glad that this wiki exists
(I don't mind late replies)
How do I make infoboxes of custom shape?
How do I put an image on an infobox?
How do I make custom buttons on the entire wiki in general?
How do I insert fonts?